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McP's post-production is where we take video that has been shot and McP edits it into a tight fit piece of video genius. Our editors take your pre-production or your verbal idea/comments and work it & re-work it till it fits your desires.

Key Benefits

bullet 1 master editor in charge of editing process that can be reached 24/7.
bullet Low cost! with most updated equipment available.
bullet Professional tough and McP's owners grantee!


McP's editors have capabilities to work on any project from music videos to simple video highlight reels. McP's editors all have bachelors degrees or higher in the field of video production. McP in house editors have the use of Photo Shop 7.0, After Effects 6.0, and Avid Pro 5.7 HD software to work on all projects along with DVD burning/encoding software.  Our Freelance editors are also required to have similar equipment.  We can copy your finished video onto DVD, BETA, CD, VHS, or Mini-DV.  We can also stream video for internet use.

Capability 1
Basic edit.  We cut video to collapse time, cut out video errors, and edit it for basic professional style video/audio.
Capability 2
High end edit- We cut to compress time, cut out errors, fix audio, add video graphics, add audio effects, and much more....
Capability 3
High end edit/ DVD authoring, duplication- We cut to compress time, cut out errors, fix audio, add video graphics/titles, add audio effects, we'll make as many copies you need & in any style you need, and much more....
         Play video below to see some samples of our editing capabilities....



    $275.00- $3,500.00

Prices range is based on the project feel free to email us at to get exact price quote and if Request form below fails to work please feel free to contact us directly.

Information Request Form

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