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Streaming Video Conversion                                                     

McPherson Productions provides streaming video conversion services for the Internet and Corporate Intranets. As you shop for a company for converting video tape to streaming video for the Internet, corporate Intranet, and/or for conversion to AVI, MPEG, or QuickTime on CD/DVD, price alone should be only one of the factors you consider. McP offers outstanding video quality, and complete technical support so that you may gain maximum value from your investment. As you may have already noticed on the Net, there are huge differences in the quality of the audio and video in streaming video presentations. These differences are due to the quality of equipment being used during the production process, the conversion procedures used, and the experience of the producer who is providing the streaming video conversion services; therefore, McP grantees customer satisfaction with each project done.


*Click on the above button to view a sample of streaming video.

Streaming Video Process                                

bullet  Video Capture: We capture your video from your original footage into one of our video editing computers. The time it takes to capture your video is approximately the same amount of time it takes to play it.
bullet Video Editing: Editing includes everything from the obvious, (changing the order or deleting specific parts) to special effects, transitions, graphic design, logo design, video titles, and music.
bullet Streaming Your Video on the Web: We will upload your media files to a server and help to create links from your website to play them on demand.
bullet Encoding Your Video: As an alternate plan, if you are able to upload and link your video clip(s) to your website on your own, we will convert them from video to Windows Media, Real Player or QuickTime files and burn them to a CD/DVD.
bullet Streaming Video/DVD Hosting: If your website is hosted on a server that supports a Media Player, you are more than welcome to host your streaming video on the same server that hosts your website. If your web host does not support Media, you are more than welcome to host your streaming video on our Server that we will then provide to you a link to.






option 1 - Video Capture (one hour minimum)



option 2- Video Editing (one hour minimum)



option 3- Streaming your video for web (per clip)



OPTION 4- Encoding your video (per 10min)



OPTION 5- Video Hosting (per year)



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Contact Us

Your first name:

Your contact information:

What type of services are you interested in?
Streaming for net            
Encoding for your server
Video/DVD hosting        

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