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Play video below to see some samples of our transfer capabilities....


McPherson Productions can transfer:

Super 8mm, 8mm and16mm film to DVD or VHS
Silent and Sound film

Photographs and Slides
to DVD or VHS

Video to DVD Conversions

Foreign Video Conversions
(from other world standards)
Pal, Secam, N-Pal and M-Pal
VHS, VHS-C, SVHS & DVD Formats only

Video Duplications
Formats available:
VHS, SVHS, VHS-C, Hi-8mm, 8mm, Digital 8mm, Beta, Mini-DV

 Transfer those old photos, slides or film (Regular 8mm, Super 8, or 16mm) to video. These special moments need to be preserved. Not only will your memories be preserved onto videotape for generations to come; they will now be available to you at your fingertips, for viewing on your TV!


We will splice all small reels together. Rolls under 200 ft. will be returned on 400ft reels with boxes at no additional cost. Reels of 200ft or larger will be returned on the customers reels. If you desire your original boxes to be saved, please be sure to specify this in a request.

Any film that needs to be repaired will be repaired. Sections of your films which are totally black or washed out (that are 3 seconds or more) will be edited out. You will only be charged for the actual film transferred.

Film Guide
Click on above button to est. of the length of your film.


Types Of Slides We Can Transfer:

 We can transfer any 2"x 2" mounted slides made from 135 or 126 film to videocassettes. The video image of 135 slides shot horizontally will fit the shape of your TV screen almost perfectly. Because of the rectangular shape of your TV's picture tube, the image from 135 slides shot vertically will loose 33% for either the bottom of the slide or equally from the top and the bottom. 126 slides will lose just a slight portion of the picture on the top and bottom.

What To Expect:

 When transferring slides & Photos the resolution and sharpness of the transferred video image is limited by the 270 line capability of the VHS VCR Systems and a 500 line capability of DVD's. For best results slides & Photos should be selected with this in mind. Close-ups transfer best and distant group shots are worst since facial details in the distant shots will be degraded in the transfer.



 Choose your favorite Photographs, one that represents this important moments in you and your families lives. Memories like weddings, vacations, holidays, baby's first day home, first day of school, and other special moments can now be on video.

Take the time to find these photos and organize them in order. Soon you'll be watching your family grow and the memories appear before your eyes in an emotional and beautiful presentation on your TV.


 We are able to transfer all photographs that are 1 x 1 up to 8 x 10 in size. They can be in color or black and white. Please do not send any pictures smaller then 1 x 1 and also do not include photos that have creases in them. These lines show up on the videos.

Pricing Information

8mm/Super 8mm/16mm

8mm/Super 8mm SILENT Film
any footage over 1,000ft
Minimum charge

8mm/Super 8mm Sound Film
any footage over 1,000ft
Minimum charge

16mm SILENT Film
any footage over 1,000ft
Minimum charge

16mm MAGNETIC Sound Film

16mm OPTICAL Sound Film
any footage over 1,000ft
Minimum charge

 A format change is required when there is more than one type of film (includes sound and silent film) and/or slides/prints in the same order. Film reels must be numbered in the sequence (Not Boxes).


Slides (First 100)
Volume Discount (Anything over 100)

Minimum charge
*Must be individually numbered


Any size 1x1 up to 8x10 (First 100)
Volume Discount (Anything over 100)

Minimum charge
*Must be individually numbered

 A format change is required when there is more than one type of film (includes sound and silent film) and/or slides/prints in the same order. Film reels must be numbered in the sequence (Not Boxes).

Additional Charges:

Organization Fee:
Helping you to organize & plan your film, slides & Photos $30.00 per hour

Non-splicing of 50ft Reels together $1.20 per reel

Correct reels wound upside-down or backwards per 50ft

Editing out specific portions of movie film
(done only upon customer request) $7.00 ea.

Titles: per title $5.00

Specialty Music (Songs chosen) per song $5.00

Hard Cases (Memories) (For extra copies) per tape $5.25

Folded Cases (Memories) (For Extra copies) per Tape $2.25 ea.


Mini-DV 60
Mini-DV 80
Video 8
$ 10.00
*Transfer prices do include the cost of the blank VHS tape or DVD.

Contact Us

Your full name:

Your contact information:

What type of transfer are you interested in?
Film to DVD/VHS                           
Photographs/Slides to DVD/VHS 
Video to DVD                                  

Please add any comments you have below: